Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Who doesn't like to party?

It's that time of year where we wacky humans have come up with all sorts of holidays!  Days for giving, days for taking, days for giving and taking, what's better than enjoying the holidays cutting up with friends, family and people you knew for years over the internet but just met at your annual halloween party.

Full Sail Photography has had the opportunity to be part of a couple parties already this season and had a blast meeting new friends.  By the looks of some of the photos taken they had a blast meeting us;)

It's not to late you know!  Give us a call today and book us for your next big event.  Yes!  We would Love to come to your Christmas Party!  Yes, thank you.  We would be happy to be part of your "Festivus for the rest of us" Party!  Bar Mitzvah?  Sure!  Thanksgiving?  We like big ol' turkey legs:)

We have yet found a place our photo booth is not welcome!  Nor a people who did not enjoy the squashed happiness of fitting 8 people in our booth!   Take for example these pirates we had an opportunity to sing jolly sea songs with!  The worst of the lot and yet they are all smiles in our booth!  Go on...give us a try!   

Oh!  And if by chance your looking for something to do this Friday night Oct. 29, 2010?  Get dressed in your Halloween costume and come hang out with us at the Cameron Art Museum's 2010 Haunt!  Last year was a blast and I can't wait to see what they have in store for this year!